Q: After I sign up, how soon do I get my first survey?

A: You should receive WELCOME EMAIL from surveyscloud.com (from email address which you have signed up) and You should AUTHENTICATE the link given in WELCOME EMAIL. Once you click the authentication link you will be redirected to offer page where you can see survey offers, which is 100% FREE for surveyscloud.com member, you will receive many paid surveys and will keep you very busy. So please check your email (yahoo, msn, aol etc...) from which you have signed up!

Q: What is the average amount of paid surveys I will receive in a given month?

A: The average amount of paid surveys that you will get is between 2 to 4 per month and will be given by survey companies. In order to earn the most money we recommend that you register with as many survey companies located on the Offer Page. This will give you access to the top surveys that pay you for completing online surveys. It might take you while to register for all of them but remember because you are a surveyscloud.com member this is 100% free and once registered you will have more surveys than you can handle.

Q: Why do some surveys not offer cash but instead prizes or rewards?

A: Do not get discouraged if you receive these types of surveys that's because the reason that these are sent out is solely to find out what members are serious about taking surveys online. We like to call this a "test" survey because companies want to "test" and send the really good surveys to the members that are the most serious. These surveys usually take a few minutes to fill out and more importantly they show the survey companies that you are motivated to get the good surveys.

Q: How much do these surveys payout?

A: Surveys vary in payouts depending on the length of the surveys. Sometimes you will get a short survey that pays $10.00 but other times you might be invited to a focus group/survey that pays $150.00. You may pick and choose what paid surveys you would like to complete. The important thing is to sign up with as many as you can on the OFFER PAGE so that you have the flexibility to pick and choose from multiple surveys that you want to complete.

Q: Who pays me and when do I get paid?

A: Before you complete any survey you will know the payout up front. We recommend you keep a record for your own personal usage of what surveys you completed. Typically you will receive payment via company check directly from the company that is requesting the survey. These checks typically come a few weeks after you have completed the paid survey. More and more companies are now using online processing via PayPal which definitely speeds up the payment process and gets you your cash faster. Once you start your program and you start to get checks in the mail and money via PayPal it is a great feeling.

Q: How does surveyscloud.com make money if its Free?

A: surveyscloud.com has always been free and will always continue to be free. Even though other paid survey sites charge monthly fees and sign up fees we feel our members deserve to have the best surveys available to them for no cost. The best things in life are Free! We make money from our partners when our members take their surveys.

Q: I work full-time. Can I still do surveys and get paid?

A: The best part of becoming a surveyscloud.com member is that you can take the online surveys anytime that you feel like it. Whether you have some extra time while the kids are at school or if you just can't sleep at night, paid surveys will always be available for you anytime you want. Have an extra 20 min after work? Fill out a short survey and earn some cash. You make your own decisions and at your own pace.

Q: What about Taxes? Do I need to declare my earnings?

A: At the end of the year any survey company that has paid you a good amount of money will send you an 1099 IRS Form to include in your tax return. If you are a United States citizen, you are considered a independent contractor for income tax purposes. Please remember that surveyscloud.com is not in the tax business.